Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system.  Rather than being located in a body cavity, the thyroid gland lies in the neck just below the larynx.  It secretes two throid hormones, thyroxine or T4 and tri-iodothyronine or T3.  It also secretes the hormone calcitonin.  Of the two thyroid hormones, T4 is the more important and more abundant.  One molecule of T4 contains four atoms of iodine, and one Molecule of T3 contains three iodine atoms.  For T4 to be produced in adequate amounts. the diet must contain sufficient iodine.

Most endocrine glands secrete their hormones directly into the blood instead of storing them.  Not so with the thyroid gland in that it stores considerable amounts of the thyroid hormones  in the form of a colloid compound in the follicles of the gland.  They are released from the colloid and secreted into the blood when the hormones are needed.

These thyroid hormones stimulate cellular metabolism because they influence all the trillions of cells in our bodies, having far-reaching effects because all body functions depend upon a normal supply of energy.

The parathyroid glands consist of four small glands found on the back of the thyroid gland.  They secrete parathyroid hormone, otherwise known as PTH.  PTH increases the concentration of calcium in the blood, stimulates bone-resorbing cells to increase their breakdown of bone's hard matrix, freeing the calcium stored in the matrix.  The released calcium then moves out of the bone into blood, in turn increasing the blood's calcium concentration.  As our cells are extremely sensitive to changing amounts of blood calcium they cannot function normally with too much or too little calcium.  With too much calcium brain and heart cells become dysfunctional; a person becomes mentally disturbed and the heart may stop.  On the other hand, too little calcium causes nerve cells to become overactive, often to such a degree that muscles are unable to withstand the bombardment and the muscles go into spasms.

SOLUTIONS:  Should radiation reach a danger level there are natural means to protect the thyroid gland.  Here is a list of sea vegetables containing iodine that can be added to most of your menus; in powder form or as a sea vegetable in soups and stews; or it can be taken via capsule.   

Kelp (Fucus Vesiculosus)...Irish Moss (Chondrus crispus)...Dulse (Palmaria palmata)...Wakame (Alaria marginata) a brown algae of the kelp family...Hiziki (Hizikia fusiforme) another brown algae that may not be available much longer as it is harvested off the east coast of Japan.

Foods that are rich in healthy fats such as fish, nuts, and flaxseeds enhance the health of the thyroid.  Those who consume meat and poultry need to be aware that if those products aren't hormone-free you are endangering your thyroid gland.

Venus has a decided influence upon the action of the thyroid gland...Mercury upon the action of the parathyroid glands.  If either or both of these planets are receiving challenging aspects in your horoscope by either transit or progression, it is an indication that even without danger of radiation, a diet that includes sea vegetables would be in your best interests.

1 comment:

Anica Watson said...

Hair fall is one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. I suffered this one too and it is hard to deal with it. I'm gad there is natural dessicated thyroid that helps my thyroid hormone.