Thursday, May 19, 2011


Click on chart to enlarge.

Cancer Rises, ruler Moon in Scorpio, sign of other people's resources.  Mars closely conjoins the Ascendant in Cancer, debilitated as it is in the sign of its fall, opposing Jupiter, an aspect indicating reckless behavior...and inconjunct Venus, planet ruling money and the need for transformation as regards values.

Neptune also occupies the first house opposing Jupiter and Uranus, strongly suggesting this agency is more than capable of pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.  Although spin is their modus operandi, it appears to have fallen short of the mark in the video accompanying this essay.  The lust for power of this thieving organization, which is not a Federal Agency but a conglomerate of bankers, is noted by 12th house Pluto opposing the Sun.

Here's a video of former prosecutor, House Democrat Alan Grayson questioning Elizabeth Coleman, Inspector General of the Federal Reserve in November 2010.  The issue is the oversight pertaining to the ever-expanding out of balance sheet of the Fed.  What a disgrace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does this mean they can continue doing 'this' indefinitely?