Wednesday, August 15, 2012


DATA:  August 17, 2012 @ 11:56 A.M. EDT - Washington, D.C.

A Leo New Moon in the 10th house of government sextile the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 12th house sets the theme for the next four weeks, suggesting the planning and laying of foundations of a new enterprise to take place in secret.  The Mars energy may bring the entrance of something new and different never before encountered in the country having to do with military.  The Saturn energy will have the government attempting to suppress scandal and we may witness sudden retirements of political and/or military figures.

In the 3rd decanate of Leo - a decanate of ambition - this New Moon warns that the love of power and rulership combined with the quality of leadership  bestows a determination to rise in life regardless of obstacles and when this tendency is carried to extremes, such people will sacrifice their associates and even integrity itself, in order to increase their power.  Politically, the 10th house rules those currently at the helm of the country.

The 1st degree of Scorpio Rising is indicative of power struggles that will force people to come to grips with something they would rather avoid; getting their minds around the full parameters of a situation.  Co-ruler Mars in Libra is in its detriment, hovering near the Ascendant, hampered in its capacity to act; co-ruler Pluto is retrograde in the 3rd house and part of a Cardinal T-Square involving Uranus at Apex and Venus, resolving in 12th house issues, describing those issues as treacherous, subversive acts.

Scorpio is natural ruler of the 8th house and brings to our attention public monies, bankruptcy and losses.  The 8th house of this chart has 29* Taurus on the cusp, a degree signifying a crisis is at hand, Taurus ruling money and one's value system, both of which appear to be in free-fall.  There is an expression:  "you can take that to the bank" except that is the last place an intelligent person would place their assets.

As a nation we have, by magnetic attraction, drawn to us leaders who reflect our values...or at least, values of the majority.  Do you still wonder why illegals are permitted to remain in the country?  They are criminals bereft of ethics willing to break our laws and so become part of the majority, eventually lowering the vibratory rate that draws those of like thought.  To live in a world with an elevated moral system requires that we look into ourselves, rout out our personal negatives, and become in our individual lives what we wish in our national lives.  Like the 100th monkey, it only necessitates a small percentage of people for lift-off.  We must continue to keep working on ourselves for it is the only way to achieve an upward movement in consciousness...a/k/a ascension, a process wherein you live in and transcend the world simultaneously.

Until then, we are relegated to watching the continued degradation of what used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave...with a congress that prostitutes itself for the sake of money and power.  

House of the Rising Sun

1 comment:

mam said...

Thanks Moggy! Loved this sentence:

To live in a world with an elevated moral system requires that we look into ourselves, rout our personal negatives, and become in our individual lives what we wish in our national lives.

As I tell my grandson, it's hard to be good all the time. LOL We all have moments of personal negatives, how we handle them is the key.